Men’s Health Series: Men’s Menopause and Dr Xiang Jun’s Integrative Medicines Approach

Men’s Menopause or another term for it is called Andropause begins with hormonal, physiological, and chemical changes that occur in all men generally between the ages of forty and fifty-five, although it can also occur as early as thirty-five or as late as sixty-five. The purpose of Andropause is to signal the end of the first part of a man’s life and prepare him for the second half, just like the women’s counterpart.

However, unlike the more dramatic hormonal changes or dips in women, the hormonal changes in men occur gradually and over a period of many years. As the changes can be really subtle, many men can go unnoticed about their transition through Andropause until finally the reality sinks in. As it often strikes into the core of what it means to being a man, the topic is often ignored or shrugged off by many male counterparts, and usually suppressed in a cocktail of shame and denial.


Male Menopause and Female Menopause – Are they the same?

Many people think that Andropause is similar to female menopause. But there is a stark difference between the two. In female, the sexual hormone drops within a short period of time to mark the end of ovulation. Mood swings, energy levels may fluctuate within a short period of time if the woman has been taking care of herself at the peri-menopause stage.  In male, the sexual hormone declines over a longer period of time and in a more gradual manner. The presentations of male menopause are not restricted to just sexual functions but also changes in energy level, mood and even character and personality over longer periods of time.


Male Menopause or Andropause is more than just physically low testosterone

As the changes for andropause occur more gradually and over many years as compared to women’s menopause, it can be seen that the men will have the changes affecting all aspects of their lives, intervening into the psychological, interpersonal, social and even spiritual dimensions. People will often see the man who is undergoing andropause as a ‘changed’ person.

Signs and symptoms of Male Menopause or Andropause

Here are some of the symptoms that may be presented in men when going through Male Menopause:

1.     Reduced libido or sex drive

2.     Increased sexual dissatisfaction with self or partner

3.     Difficulty having or maintain an erection

4.     Irritability or grouchiness

5.     Aches, pains and stiffness

6.     Forgetfulness or poor in concentration

7.     Poor sleep

8.     Frequent bloatedness and indigestion

9.     Easily fatigued

10.  Unexplained weight gain

11.  Feeling lonely, unattractive or unloved

12.  Impaired relationships

How Dr Xiang Jun manages Men’s Menopause

Traditional Chinese Medicine

The bible of TCM, Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, has recorded clearly on the male aging physiology.

五八,腎氣衰,髮 墮齒槁。六八,陽氣衰竭於上,面焦,髮鬢頒白;七八, 肝氣衰,筋不能動, 開始進入更年期,精少。八八,則齒髮去。

In literal translation:

At 40, the man’s Kidney energy declines, his hair falls out and teeth begin to whither. At 48, the man’s Kidney energy declines more, his Yang energy drops, his complexion whither. At 56, his Liver energy declines due to Kidney deficiency and his tendons become rigid. At 64, his life essence and vital energy is weak, as are his bones and tendons and his body becomes decrepit.

With that, Kidney is the main focus for Men’s Menopause management with TCM methods, such as Acupuncture, Herbs and various other ancient techniques unique in Dr Xiang Jun’s practice.

Aesthetic Osteopathy

Hips is the main area to be adjusted by Dr Xiang Jun’s specialised techniques as it houses the reproductive organs.

Psychosomatic Medicine

Movement based release therapy, meditation and restoration techniques are engaged to rebalance and stabilise the nervous system, hormonal system in the long period of Andropause.

Intimacy and Polarity Medicine

A different type of psychosomatic medicine to work with deeper underlying self love and self worth issues that will become even more prominent during Andropause.  

Metaphysical Medicine

Fengshui or geomancy are used to audit and suggest changes to positions of key areas of homes affecting mental, emotional and physical health balance.

 Men’s menopause is not the beginning of the end, as many fear, but the end of the beginning. It is the passage to the most passionate, powerful, productive, and purposeful time of a man’s life.