Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Constipation

Regular sessions of Acupuncture will treat and cure Constipation.

Constipation is a gastrointestinal tract disorder which can present itself as infrequent movement of stools, difficult stool passage with pain and stiffness, feelings of incomplete evacuation, abdominal discomfort.

There are multiple factors for the causation of constipation which can point to genetic predisposition, low fiber consumption, inadequate fluid intake, lack of mobility and movement, hormonal imbalance, medications side effects or anatomy of body.

The clinical treatment approaches can range from improving lifestyle and dietary regime, administration of medications to nerve stimulation and colonic surgery. However the side effects of such approaches can be prominent and can include but not limited to diarrhea, bloating, nausea and even cardiovascular adverse events.

Therefore many people will seek holistic methods such as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine methods like herbal medicine for the treatment of their constipation problems.

 Read more about How TCM acupuncture works here.

Below are some of the scientific papers that support Acupuncture treats and cures Constipation.

Conclusion: Acupuncture is an efficient and safe treatment for constipation. Acupuncture increased frequency of stool movements, improved stool formation, alleviated constipation symptoms, and therefore improved the quality of life.


Conclusion:  Acupuncture was unlikely inferior to conventional medical therapy and acupuncture on a deeper level was better than normal depth acupuncture in abdominal region. No obvious adverse event was associated with acupuncture for constipation.

Acupuncture for constipation is safe and can improve weekly spontaneous bowel movements, quality of life, and relevant symptoms.


Conclusion: Acupuncture can help regulate reflex, control gastrointestinal motility and secretion by regulating serotonin receptors, thereby promoting gastrointestinal movement and peristalsis.