TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Banana

TCM Nature: Cool

TCM Taste: Sweet

TCM Meridian Affinity: Stomach, Lung, Liver, Spleen, Large Intestine


·      Tonifies Yin

·       Clears heat

·       Eliminates toxins

·       Treats constipation and hemorrhoids

·       Lowers hypertension

·       Soothes stomach

·       Moistens intestines

·       Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory

·       Relieves stress

·       Good source of potassium and fibre


Bananas are actually berries and due to their phallic shape, they often are used to represent God and masculine energy. In Hawaii, it was once punishable by death for a woman to eat a banana.

As bananas grow upwards towards the heavens, it is said that they are able to aid in spiritual and divine connection.

The banana tree is considered sacred as every part can be used and banana itself also represents the soul not bounded by karma and have no compulsion to reincarnate due to it having no seeds.