TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Black Beans

TCM Nature: Neutral

TCM Taste: Sweet

TCM Meridian Affinity: Spleen, Kidney


·      Encourages Blood Flow and Circulation

·       Improves urination

·       Expels Wind

·       Strengthens Spleen

·       Tonifies Kidney

·       Calms mind

·       Decreases blood pressure

·       Helps develop healthy bone growth and strength

·       Reduces swelling and water retention


The spiritual meaning of beans is deeply rooted in their representation of potential, growth, abundance and nourishment. In Christianity, beans are considered as a symbol of sustenance, especially when paired with bread.

Beans have also been used in various religious rituals such as divination, healing and protection.

In ancient Greek mythology, beans were believed to be associated with the dead, and consuming them was thought to create a connection with the spirit world.

Black beans in particular are a symbol of change, transformation and adaptation. These beans assist in shifting consciousness and letting go of old patterns.


Read about another herb Black Fungus here.

Read another Kidney Nourishing herb Black Sesame here.