TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Chestnut


TCM Nature: Warm

TCM Taste: Sweet

TCM Meridian Affinity: Spleen, Stomach, Kidney


·       Nourishes Spleen and Stomach

·       Tonifies Kidney and Kidney Qi

·       Tonifies Jing (Essence)

·       Strengthens Brain and Tendons

·       Moves Blood

·       Stops Bleeding

·       Resolves Inflammation

·       Regulates blood sugar level


Early Christians viewed the chestnut as a symbol of chastity. Writings about the chestnut have been found on oracle bones along with mulberry, apricot, and red jujube. They are considered a very good omen and were planted near homes to insure prosperity and good fortune.

A popular Chinese custom is for grandmothers to sew chestnuts into the hem of their granddaughter’s bridal dress or to pack them in her clothing to take with her to her new home. They do this to insure an early and easy child birth.

Further reading:

Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.