Depressed at Home during Lockdown? – TCM Holistic Ways to Help

During this period of time I guess 70% to 80% of the people in the world are in either quarantine or lockdown or circuit breaker, whatever you want to call it.

So the complications of cooping up at home can be multiple, one of them is depression.

You may not feel it or admit to it but it is a body’s natural mechanism to react to the external circumstances. By being told to stay home and the fear from news everyday of how the virus is spreading, it is natural that the body will go into a depressive mode.

So tackle with that, here are some of the ways from Traditional Chinese Medicine and other natural holistic medicines that I suggest that you can do at home or if you can go out a while to at least uplift your spirits a little. Remember, depressive states are susceptible to low immunity. So you really want to take yourself out of the low vibrations mode as much as possible.

1.       Go out into the Morning Sun

Yes the emphasis is also the timing of the sunshine that you should expose yourself to daily, that is provided you can go out of your apartment.

The Sun is the natural detoxifier and it can burn away any bacteria, germs and also low energy. Getting yourself into the Sun will help clear away the physical beings that can bring us illnesses but also lift up the mood.

Morning Sun is healing and revitalizing, hence it is really helpful if you can catch the 7am to 9am Sun and absorb its radiance. Anything after that is considered ‘toxic’ Sun where the rays are too strong and can cause burns and frequent exposure to this kind of Sun rays is the catalyst for skin cancer.


2.       Eat Bright Colour Foods

Bright colour foods are foods with colours of the warming tone series such as yellow, red, white. These foods hold high vibrations and nourish the Spleen and Stomach more according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Spleen and Stomach which are also simply known as the guts are responsible for the feeling of joy and when they are depleted, they give rise to the feeling of worry and sadness.

3.       Get yourself Sweating and Panting

Do exercise that will get you sweating and panting. If you can head out, do running or activities that can bring your heart rate up and your pores opening.

Sweating and panting means your muscles are fired up and stimulated. In TCM, muscles are in close associations to the Spleen and Stomach. So by working your muscles hard, the meridians that pass through the muscles and connect with the Spleen and Stomach will have their flow moving which will give rise to a healthy gut and happy mood.

Scientifically speaking, working out hard will bring out the happy hormones aka endorphins, hence is a neutralizer to the depressive emotions.

4.       Wear Light Colour Clothings


In accordance to Colour Therapy or Chromotherapy, light colours like white, beige, pink, light yellow will uplift moods in a subtle but significant way.

Avoid dark colour clothings like black that has a heavy tone and may cause one to feel more sink down and over serious.

5.       Try pressing on some Acupoints for Uplifting Moods (I’ll elaborate on this in my Instagram post)

Try doing some Self Acupressure on time-withstanding TCM Acupoints. Massage on these points regularly can help move the circulation specifically to open up areas of the body that have their energy stagnated easily, causing shallow breathing, depressed posture and sluggishness. Read another blog post on Everything you need to know about Depression here.

He Gu 合谷

Location of He Gu: Point between the web of the first and second finger.

Function of He Gu: Stress reduction

Nei Guan 内关

Location of Nei Guan: Four-finger space below the middle of inner wrist

Function of Nei Guan: Calm mind, relieves frustration

Read another blog post on TCM Wellness for Sleep and Mental Health here.