Inner Practice: Four Mantras of True Love - First Mantra

We all seek true love.

In order to be loved, we have to learn how to love first. And this is something we all need to practice in this day and age when everyone is disconnected and loneliness has been listed as a world health problem under WHO the last time I read.

In this series, I will share the four mantras of true love, which we can all say as many times as possible to people we love or do not know or even we hate. Because when you are concentrated with mind and body together, you produce your true presence and anything you say is a mantra.

So let’s practise together.

For our loved ones and for this world which is already so messed up.

First mantra: “Darling, I am here for you.”

When you love someone, you have to be truly present for him or for her.

And if you are truly present, this mantra will produce a miracle. You become real, the other person becomes real, and life is real in that moment. You bring happiness to yourself and to the other person.


A ten-year-old boy was asked by his father what he wanted for his birthday, and he didn’t know how to answer. His father is quite wealthy and could afford to buy almost anything he might want. But the young man only said, “Daddy, I want your time!” Because his father is too busy – he has no time for his wife or his children. And all his child wants is his time and presence. 

To demonstrate true love, we have to make ourselves available. If that father learns to breathe in and out consciously and be present for his son, he can say, “My son, I am really here for you.”

The greatest gift we can make to others is our true presence.

“I am here for you” is a mantra to be uttered in perfect concentration.