Journey of becoming a TCM Physician Chap 23: TV Series Companion


The tune of the theme song of a China TV series suddenly popped into my head these few days, so I shall write something about that. TV series were one of the highlights that kept me company when I was studying in China, especially in winter times when I had to coop up in my tiny hostel room. And one of the hot series was Scarlet Heart 步步惊心 starring Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi at that time, when travelling across time and space was the hot theme of TV series then(穿越剧). I remember the whole world just passed me by when I was so into the series while wrapped up in my winter wear with 2 heaters blasting behind my back. And all the coldness, the dust, the ‘hardship’ just dwindled to nothing in the midst of the drama that I was chasing everyday after clinicals and writing my thesis.

I could still remember vividly the story and how I was bawling my eyes out in the last few episodes. Those student days. I think if I start watching the series again the tears that came down will be for reminiscence rather than for the drama.

With Love

Dr Xiang Jun