Checklist for Depression

depression acupuncture traditional chinese medicine

Depression is a term that denotes a feeling of heaviness or of being suppressed in the emotional state of a person.

So how do you know if you have depression?


Here is a quick checklist to know if you have depression. To be diagnosed as having depression, you need to be presenting with at least 5 of these 9 symptoms.

1.       Persistently feeling down, low mood or hopeless.

2.       Having little or no interest or pleasure in doing things.

3.       Disturbed sleep, either too much or too little compared to usual.

4.       Changes in appetite and weight. You might be eating more or less than usual.

5.       Fatigue and loss of energy. Even everyday tasks feel exhausting.

6.       Agitation or slowing of movements.

7.       Poor concentration or indecisiveness. You might have trouble making even the smallest of daily decisions.

8.       Feeling of worthlessness or excessive guilt over things that you might not normally feel so intensely about.

9.       Suicidal thoughts or urges.

All these symptoms can come and go. But for a diagnosis, 5 or more of those symptoms need to have been present for at least a couple of weeks.


Science already has proven that acupuncture can help treat Depression. You can read the full article in my other blog post.

In my practice, a technique of acupuncture called the Heart Opening Acupuncture will help to uplift and reopen the connection of the heart to the world. This will definitely help in the treatment of depression which is experienced all the time when the heart is closed.

Read more about Acupuncture for Motivation and Acupuncture for Time Abundance here.