Checklist for Liver Intoxication

When your liver is overwhelmed and burdened with toxins from various factors as mentioned in the other blog, the effects are not just on the physiological body but also on the emotional and psychological mind.

Read more about people with Jia Wood Daymaster Element and Yi Wood Daymaster Element in their birth constitution charts of how ta take care of their liver and gallbladder health.

Here are some warning signs that your liver is overburdened and intoxicated:

-          Frequent headaches and migraines

-          Increased indigestion

-          Inability to digest fats or feeling nauseous with fatty meals

-          Discomfort or pain in the right upper side of the abdomen

-          Aches and pains in joints become more prominent

-          Acne breakouts, eczema, or rashes flare

-          Weight gain or increase in abdominal fats which is hard to lose through exercise

-          Constantly tired and fatigued and feeling of heaviness

-          Cravings for sweets and blood sugar instability issues

-          Intolerance to strong smells such as perfumes and scent

-          Bad breath

-          Bloodshot eyes or yellow tinge in the eye whites

-          Brain fog or scattered brain

-          Inability to keep to schedule or keep own’s life organized

-          Inability to handle stress or goes easily into paranoia from small triggers

-          Violence or inability to manage anger

So why is the Liver important in the body from a Western Medicine perspective and a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective?

How do Western Medicine treat Liver intoxication and what are their shortcomings and potential side effects?

How do Traditional Chinese Medicine and other ancient medicines help Liver detox?

Read on in my accompanying blog for Functions of Liver in Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine and how do Traditional Chinese Medicine help Liver Detox?