Inner Practice: What Happens When You Help?

As part of humanity, we are meant to look out for each other and pull each other along in the course of life. In ancient times, people lived in community tribes where everyone knew everyone in a tribe and supported one another. Foods obtained from hunting by the men were shared and women looked after one another and the children. Support and help were a norm in past traditions as it was part of living.

Yet today, we see so many homeless and helpless trying hard to figure ways out for themselves. Women these days often suffer from the superwoman syndrome of doing all by themselves. Domestic abuse for both men and women, depression and anxiety are on the rise because everyone keeps everything to themselves in the name of privacy.

We no longer live in a closed community which we know help and support are all around. Concrete apartments give us ownership and assets but separate us all physically and psychologically. Most of all, it robs us of the sense of security that we are safe and watched over by everyone around us. We become hypervigilant in a modern world that has all technologies to protect money and all forms of wealth but has nothing to support and take care of one another’s heart and soul.

We not only become afraid to reach out for help but also we hold back in offering assistance of any.

The fact is we often mistaken the fact that helping or volunteering is depleting us of time, money, space or effort. And we hold so tightly to them in the excuse of “I have got not enough xxx.”

So let me give you an inkling of what happens when you help:

1.       There are Laws in the workings of the Universe. What you give out always come back. It is a Law. Trust it or not, it will still happen despite whatever your belief system is.

2.       When you help, you think for others. Rather than trapping yourself in your minute universe of problems and suffocate from that.

3.       In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the act of helping and giving is related to compassion which is related to Liver. Have you ever wondered why more and more people are having thyroid, breast, infertility, reproductive issues, mental imbalances, liver cancer which fall on the Liver energy channels in the modern world today? Try linking it to what I mention above about how we live in today’s world as compared to our ancestors.

Having said that, when you help, who do you think you are actually helping?