Life Changing Acupuncture TCM treatments, Literally!

This is what I have observed over the years of my practice of what happened to my patients and clients on their journey with me. And because they happened to a number of patients with the same pattern, so I think it is interesting to do an insight of the phenomenon of what may follow with my TCM/Acupuncture treatments or energy healing sessions.

Job change

A lot of my patients came to me with symptoms of extreme fatigue that leads to all sort of health issues like poor digestion, inability to have good sleep quality or even ability to sleep etc. And the cause can be due to their crazy work load, extreme working hours or just flying too much around the globe.

After a few sessions of treatments, I noticed quite a few of them were presented with situations which led them to a job change, and it is always for the better. Some got retrenched, some found out certain unfairness in work and resigned, some just decided to have a job change. And usually what follows are job opportunities and roles that align to more humane work-life balance.


It has happened to a number of my patients and I repeatedly noticed that in my practice. My analysis is because my TCM/acupuncture treatments are mainly energy based and has a heavy emphasis on energetic realignment, therefore it is definite that the health will get better, the energies are more in line with the universe and of course your outer world will change for the better, naturally.

Financial wealth improvement

As I have mentioned before, money is energy. So to carry on from the above insight of job change after sessions with me, with job changes for the better, of course finances will vastly improve as a side benefit.

Simply because when one is more aligned, energy flows better. So does money and wealth which is but a kind of energetic manifestation in this world.


Relationship improvement or change

It always takes two hands to clap in relationships. Any relationships. Husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend. Mother and child. Father and child. Boss and subordinates. Any. By the Law of Attraction, when you are imbalanced and unhappy, you will naturally attract that into your day to day relationships with anyone. Even happy healthy relationships will be poisoned eventually by your misalignment.  Trust me, I’ve seen that many times in my patients and clients.

And with sessions of balancing and getting you healthy, I have heard of my patients either actively making some changes to their relationships or things have naturally changed for them without them doing anything.

Nevertheless, my insight to the above is that when you are more balanced from the inside, when you are less blocked, when you are less intoxicated, energy always flow better through you. When that happens, negativity in your life either naturally break away from you or you will have the desire to take actions to clear them out yourself. People may see that you are a completely changed person, taking actions or doing things that are not identifiable with you. The past you. But in your heart you know it is for your highest good. The actions can seem crazy and illogical at first. But ultimately you will understand why when the bigger pleasant surprises follow.

At the end of the day, it is always the inner creates the outer. Change your health to change your outer world. Trust me, I have seen it too many times.

Now experience it for yourself, if you are ready.