Men’s Health Series: Tantric Lingam Massage for Erectile Dysfunction – Is it legit?

In science, erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. In life, it is a

big slap in the face of men and a complete crash of ego. It is not simply a physical ailment that affects the

physical body but it can have a deep rooted impact on the mental and emotional health of the men. For

male counterparts who usually tend to put up a strong front and resist to their death on stepping into a

clinic to seek professional help, many may turn to controversial folk methods to hopefully find an answer to

end their suffering, physical and especially psychological. One of which is Tantric Lingam Massage or 抓龙

筋. Just like a traditional massage is within the grey area of treatment and enjoyment, the psyche behind

many men to seek out such methods is also one that can help them avoid being labelled as a patient in the

classic clinical setting. After all, one can claim that he does it for pleasure rather than for treatment to

maintain his sanity from the fact that he is losing his manhood. Nonetheless, is Tantric Lingam Massage


What is Tantric Lingam Massage?

A lingam massage is a tantric sex practice focused on massaging the penis. Tantric practices are usually

performed between partners with the objective for connection on a personal level and also for connection

with the energetic life force in the form of sexual energy in the partner’s body.

Lingam is the Sanskrit word for penis and loosely translates to “wand of light”. Lingam massage involves

not only massaging and stroking the penis but can also incorporate more advanced techniques, including

the testicles, perineum and the prostate. Lingam massage is not about having one orgasm and being

done. Instead it is about trying to feel more and more pleasure that will become waves of multiple

orgasms throughout the massage.

So yes, Tantric Lingam Massage is a fancy name for a hand job.

But it is done with more thoughtfulness, respect, care and desire to bring selfless pleasure to the partner.

Because the authentic ancient traditional Lingam Massage is a practice that truly honours the penis and

those who have them. It is believed that a tremendous amount of sexual energy is in a person’s penis and

learning how to stimulate and circulate this energy is very powerful. In India, the statues of Shiva lingam

represent God Shiva and that this powerful God energy was in the penis, which was thought to contain the

most masculine essence concentrated in one place. For most people this massage represents a state of


Is Tantric Lingam Massage legitimate to help Erectile Dysfunction?

Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles

and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex and

can result from a problem with any of the above factors. Likewise stress and mental health concerns can

cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.

As you can see from the above facts about what Tantric Lingam Massage is, to use such massage for

treating erectile dysfunction is not the primary purpose for the existence of such massage. But because it

is such a powerful practice, it can stimulate sexual energy in the penis and ultimately lead to an erection,

even in a dysfunction state if done with the right techniques and mindset of respect and love between two

partners who know each other, not between strangers.   

Tantric Lingam Massage and Transactional Sex Massage

Because Tantric Lingam Massage is associated with private parts of a man and if done between strangers,

the line to cross over as transactional sex massage is too easy. Therefore many massage parlours may

have used the name of Tantric Lingam Massage to offer transactional sex massage services. Because the

line is just too grey. And how much traditional techniques can you expect in such sex massages? Guys,

let’s not deceive ourselves.