TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Olives

TCM Nature: Neutral

TCM Taste: Sweet, sour, bitter

TCM Meridian Affinity: Stomach, Lung, Kidney


·      Clears Lungs

·   Dispels Heat

·       Counteracts toxicity

·       Moistens skin

·       Nourishes Kidney

·       Anti inflammatory

·       Anti oxidant

·       Protects against cardiovascular disease

·       Protects the central nervous system


Olive was first used in ancient Egypt as a medicine and as an ingredient in embalming. They were seen as a symbol of heavenly power.

Olives have long been considered sacred. The olive branch is a symbol of abundance, glory and peace.

In Islam the olive is praised as a precious fruit that the Quran mentions as being a “Blessed Tree, that is neither eastern nor western and gives Light”.

Embodying sacred power, olive’s leafy branches were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb.


Read about another herb Black Fungus here.

Read another Kidney Nourishing herb Black Sesame here.