What Foods to take for Good Luck during Chinese New Year

Symbolism is of great importance in ancient traditions. Especially during festive seasons such as Chinese New Year, the activities that we do, the foods we take, the clothes we wear are of huge significance as to what energy we bring in for the fresh new year.


Foods that are taken during Chinese New Year are of importance in this respect as they are related to what energy we welcome into the body which can affect our minds and perspectives and therefore how the upcoming new year will unfold for us.



Here are some foods that are usually taken during Chinese New Year for good luck:


Tang Oh

Tang Oh is a vegetable or herb that is usually only available during Chinese New Year due to its seasonal growth pattern.

Apart from its nutritional benefits, it is believed that eating Tang Oh during the festive season of Chinese New Year can bring one abundance of prosperity and good fortune.


Dumplings are supposed to look like ingots which are the gold and silver pieces used as money in ancient times. It represents being prosperous and that you are actually eating all the money and wealth into yourself.

Tofu or Tau Kwa

‘Kwa’ means dried in Hokkien dialect and its phonics sounds like 官or official positions in the ancient days. Eating this food signifies that you will have promotions or jobs that are highly regarded such as being in the high official positions in the upcoming year.


Meat is considered luxury foods in the ancient days when lives were tougher and people were living on scarcity. Therefore during Chinese New Year it is important to have meat such as fish, chicken, duck or pork on the table which indicates that you are so successful during the year that you can afford all of the above and that you can carry it over to the new year.