How to Reduce Forehead Wrinkles?

Forehead wrinkles are something that I have seen in many patients coming for TCM facial aesthetics and there are certain groups of people who tend to develop forehead wrinkles more.

From my clinical experience, and not in order:

1.       People who have tight facial muscles

2.       People who worry or get angry a lot

3.       People who have jaw clenching problems

4.       People who are hormonally imbalanced

5.       People who are going through menopause and andropause

People who have tight facial muscles

People who have tight facial muscles tend to develop fine lines easily as the muscles cannot soften and relax easily and any form of creases will remain for a longer time in the tighten muscles.

People who worry or get angry a lot

People who worry or get angry a lot adopt a facial expression of either frowning or scrunching their facial features. Forehead is where the liver meridian passes through and when there is a lot of negative emotions, the liver meridian will be reflective of that and shows up as creases in the forehead.

People who have jaw clenching problems

People who tend to clench are usually using that as a form of self-repression and swallowing of emotions, being negative or positive. When that happens, wrinkles and fine lines are easily developed and forehead will tend to show up the emotions that people may have been trying hard to cover up.

People who are hormonally imbalanced

Hormonal imbalance is significantly related to Liver and when the Liver is imbalanced, blockages and stagnations are formed and will be presented in the forehead. Sometimes on top of creases and wrinkles, pain conditions such as migraines concentrated in the forehead and eyes are significant.

People who are going through menopause and andropause

Menopause and andropause are periods of hormone fluctuations and imbalances are definite. With that, forehead creases and wrinkles have higher probability of forming and retaining.

So what can we do about the forehead wrinkles with TCM?

1. Facial Guasha

Facial guasha is another effective method that can help to reduce forehead wrinkles. Because guasha is another way of directly smoothen out forehead wrinkles with the use of medicinal guasha tools.

Here I share the method of how to do the Guasha method for smoothening out forehead wrinkles.

The material of the guasha tool is of great importance as well because using the right material to do guasha can magnify the effect by almost hundred fold. This means with one single stroke of the right guasha tool is equivalent of doing 100 strokes with the wrong guasha tool. Shop for your guasha tool here!

2.Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture is definitely the go to solution for such issues as it naturally smoothens out the fine lines with no artificial drugs or chemicals.

Moreover, with facial acupuncture it rebalances the hormones, calms the nerves, unblock the Liver, relaxes the whole nervous system, all of which will NATURALLY smoothen out the forehead.

This technique can only be done by a skilful well trained TCM doctor, so book your appointment now!