TCM Self Care Tips for Depression

When depression strikes, many of us may not even know that we are actually depressed until we become so deep in the downward spiral.

I have written a blog post on the Checklist for Depression in which to be diagnosed as having depression, one needs to be presenting with at least 5 of the 9 symptoms as mentioned. Go check it out.

But more importantly, what can you do for self care if you know that you are depressed?

Take Lexapro or Prozac? Numb yourself out with alcohol or sex or other physical pleasures?

Here are some suggestions that are pricelessly natural from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) holistic medicine point of view. But remember to seek a professional TCM doctor help if you have been in a depressive state for a prolonged period of time.

1.       Accept That You Are Depressed


Because acceptance means allowing the emotions and pain to be felt. Denial and escape suppress and worsen the depression. 


Moreover acceptance is positive and depression is negative. Positivity and negativity cannot coexist together in the mind at the same time. So accepting you are depressed is the first step of healing.


2.       Take It Easy

Slow down and cut down your daily workload and goals. Because filling up your schedule and using busy-ness to numb things out will only have a worse rebounce after.

Read more about Misconceptions of Self Healing here.

3.       Get Active

When depression strikes, lying down and just feel like doing nothing whole day are normal. But the more you allow yourself to be inactive, the more the energy dips and pulls you down.

Try to move and do light exercises or simple chores.

4.       Eat Comfort Food with Mindfulness

There is something about comfort food that connects to our soul and makes us feel safe. Even if they can be chips, chocolates, the most fried and oily chicken wings out there, I am telling you it is ok to take them. But eat the food that you find comfort with with lots of mindfulness and appreciation. This will heal and ground you while eliminating the risk of overeating and binging.

5.       Meditate

This will rebalance the brain’s imbalanced chemicals that is causing the depression. Sitting quietly for 5 minutes has such power that no drugs can replicate without the price of loads of side effects that are tagged.

6.       Acupuncture

It gets the whole body system reset and bring fresh blood and oxygen to the brain, muscles and organs. Acupuncture with the right points and techniques have the ability to change one’s perspective and the world.


Science already has proven that acupuncture can help treat Depression. You can read the full article in my other blog post. Read more about Acupuncture for Motivation here.

In my practice, a technique of acupuncture called the Heart Opening Acupuncture will help to uplift and reopen the connection of the heart to the world. This will definitely help in the treatment of depression which is experienced all the time when the heart is closed.

7.       Herbs

There are some herbs that can help to treat depression but this has to be prescribed by a professional certified TCM doctor.

You can take some simple herbs to help with some of the symptoms of depression such as lavender for poor sleep, lemon for mind clarity.

If you are experiencing depression right now, know that this too shall pass.